“Love is the core and foundation of ALL”
Words of a prayer that I speak into being every day.
“Love is the core and foundation of ALL”
Words of a prayer that I speak into being every day.
Rest in my arm’s dear child
Rest in love for that is the language of Nature
That is the language of the Cosmos
Love is the deep language beyond all words
Beyond all form
And yet embedded in every form
For peace is the nature of love
It’s foundation
Without peace we cannot hear love’s words
Its subtle essences and commands
Peace is the very thing the human world has been created to despise
I have had the honour in the last week to have come down with a mild case of COVID.
Honour you say?
What do we do when we can no longer see the light?
What happens to us when we no longer feel like we have any control over our lives?
Yes – undoubtedly.
All of these things and more.
Yet there is also something else.
Moon magic
The great celestial Queen
Mystery embodied
Illuminating the parts of us unseen