Brooke Medicine Eagle

WE ARE Divine

For as long as I have been alive, I have felt ‘bigger’ than my body.

For as long as I have walked this Earth, I have known that I AM infinite.

For as long as life has existed, I have been a part of all that is.


For we are not just human.

We are divine.

We are a part of every molecule in existence.

And every atom that is yet to be.

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We are all indigenous to Earth.


This is something I have spoken about frequently with many of the amazing elders who I am lucky enough to have in my life as teachers, guides and role models.


Humans are catalysed by stardust and yet made of Earth and clothed in her elements.


All our relations on this beautiful living planet are formed in similar yet different and diverse ways.


Our challenge is to return to a more integrated and interdependent way of living within the complex and intelligent ecosystem of Earth.


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The Path of the Dawn Star

Written by Brooke Medicine Eagle and Genevieve Boast

Published in Indie Shaman Magazine – April 2018


Let me tell you a story of an amazing being that walked across the water into central America a few thousand years ago, bringing a teaching of love from the heart and oneness with each other and the great Creator. He was known as Dawn Star, for he prayed to the dawn star, Venus, every morning and was himself seen as the dawning star of a whole new day on earth, where love and brother/sisterhood would create a golden time. And a radiant time ensued as people followed his way, using their resources in positive and empowering ways for the good of the people rather than in judgment and warring. Dawn Star moved among the people sharing his Flower Song teachings and eventually made his way back to his central temple in Golden Tula. There, he offered his final words before it was his time to leave the planet allowing a new cycle to begin. It’s said that people from many lands gathered and formed a circle 20 miles deep and that when Dawn Star spoke, people of every culture and at the farthest distance heard and understood his powerful words.

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