

In my calling as a storyteller and storymaker, I am blessed to connect with people all over the world who are aspiring writers of some kind. Frequently they are seeking inspiration on how to find their authentic voice. Often they are wondering how to make a living as a storyteller.


However, more recently, I have noticed a distinct shift in the dialogues.


It is a shift away from us (the humans) writing about life as it happens to us, and a shift towards us (the conscious evolving souls) allowing life to write through us as we experience it.

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If not now, then when? 
If not today, then
why make your promises?
A love declared for days to come
is as good as none.


These immortal words from Tracy Chapman permeated my childhood as my mother and sisters listened to her album in our small cottage in rural England. They reminded me of how to keep going towards something I wanted, no matter what seemed to be happening in the immediate world around me.

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How many of us are familiar with the concept of a ‘studio’?


As a kid, my mother would retreat to her studio (which happened to be an illustrators desk in her bedroom window) and spend hours drawing. She would always emerge full of life and inspiration. I loved it when she went to her studio.

I have come across many kinds of studios in the years since, but each one has the similar magic of providing a safe, quiet space away from the noise of daily life within which we can pause, reflect and enjoy time working with our gifts.

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This weekend I was gifted with a 48 hour period away from my normal story. My wonderful husband booked us into a tree house yoga retreat in the forest just outside of Sydney (at the amazing Billabong). It was just what my soul had ordered, yet the outcome was not exactly what I was expecting. In fact, what I ran up against as I came to my yoga mat multiple times each day was the strength of my own inner resistance.

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Today (as I sit here writing this) is the first year anniversary of my grandmother’s death. One year ago today her soul woke me up at 3:33 am UK time – the very moment she was passing from one life to another (9:33pm Denver time). In many ways she is more with me now than ever, yet in others I still miss our times of practice that we shared together.


“Practice” ? You might think. That doesn’t sound like a stereotypical granddaughter, grandmother activity.

I know but nonetheless this was the essence of the deepening of my relationship with her in the latter part of her life.

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