I believe that we all come into this world with an inner spark that we carry across universes and lifetimes. It is this inner light that guides us when we are lost. One of the core purposes of our human lives is to remember and embody our spark of personal genius, pursuing its trail without distraction as we grow and evolve. And yes, I believe that we all have the ability to embody genius.

Without listening to our spark, we become listless and stagnant. Depression and lethargy are by-products of shutting down its urges. When we forget to listen to its voice, we forget who we are. In a way, we start to die a little bit every day. We try and numb ourselves to the pain of our forgetting this fundamental part of our spirit.

Extract from Tough Bliss: Restorying Life



I believe that we all have within us ‘genius’ that is waiting to be remembered.

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