Tough Bliss


“You must tell the story that unites”


It is a journey that began before I was born. One that has taken me over 6 years to write, re-write, weave & alchemize. It’s a labour of love that I tried to walk away from several times, only to pick it back up again – compelled by a story that wanted to be told.

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One of the more prevalent themes of our current human story centers around the concept of struggle – the idea that we must overcome numerous and various challenges in life so that we may earn our place in the world. Our current social ideas of success and failure usually orbit around a number of trials that we must undertake and pass in order to achieve our goals, whatever these may be.

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I believe that we all come into this world with an inner spark that we carry across galaxies and lifetimes. It is this inner light that guides us when we are lost. One of the core purposes of our lives, I believe, is to activate and embody our spark of personal genius, pursuing its trail without distraction as we grow and evolve. And yes, I believe that we all have the ability to embody genius.

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