

I sit here writing this in the place of my dreams.


I sit here in a house that was built by the voice of a land that has been calling me ‘home’ since I was six years old.


I sit here crying tears of grace for the ‘tough bliss’ of a long journey, walked well (most of the time anyway…).


I sit here in a beautiful house made of glass, wood and love in the mountains of Colorado; the place of my birth; the place I left over 35 years ago; my heart home that has finally become my body, mind and soul home.

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Rarely do I allow myself the liberation of this statement, but I have found that saying it out loud is one the fastest routes to manifestation.


Why? Because held within it is one of the magical keys to the whole Universe…. SURRENDER.

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It has been almost ten years since I leapt off the cliff of a full time, successful corporate job in sustainability and into the wide ocean of running my own social business.


In those years, the lessons have been many and the tests of character and courage have not lessened. If anything, they have become more and more intense. Each new year brings with it new lessons, new insights and new wisdom into the nature of my personal story adventure. With the collective experience of time speeding up, it seems as though the collective social narrative, within which I am attempting to ‘hack’, also changes and presents me with new challenges and opportunities on an almost daily basis!

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