I believe that we all come into this world with an original spark that we carry across lifetimes. It is this inner light that guides us when we are lost. One of the core purposes of our lives is to activate and embody our spark of unique personal genius, pursuing its trail without distraction as we grow and evolve. And yes, I believe that we all have the ability to embody original genius.

Extract from Tough Bliss: Restorying Life


In our modern age of individuality, you would think that it would be easy for each of us to feel truly special, unique and full of purpose. Yet in my experience, large numbers of our 7 billion strong human community actually view their lives as the opposite to this. At best, many of us live with the constant pressure of assimilation into the dominant social story, whether we agree with it or not. At worst, we gradually lose our sense of self worth and personal purpose, sacrificing our dreams into the ocean of a meaningless and mediocre existence.

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