The Soulistic Journey Adventure


The Soulistic Journey Mentoring programme is not a ‘quick fix’ or ‘silver-bullet’ answer to your life’s challenges. It is a deeply transformative journey that will ask us to face our inner demons, reclaim the power we have given away over time and take off all our masks that we wear to protect us from the world ‘out there’. Once we have begun this journey, we quickly see that the entire world we manifest and experience ‘out there’, stems from the stories and beliefs  ‘in here’.


Over 12 months dancing through four key seasonal quarters, we will enter into a deeply personal and transpersonal experience exploring both the physical and metaphysical worlds. Why so long you may ask? Because in our experience real change doesn’t happen overnight. Life is not something to be resolved or answered. Life is an ongoing alchemical dance, and this dance has a pattern and rhythm.

Each season begins with a ceremony to celebrate the Equinox or Solstice that catalyses it. From here we attune to the planetary energies that will guide our journey through the next three months.

To keep our rhythm and tempo, we meet once a month online to come into circle and deepen into the specific teachings and exercises that help us to hack our stories and create new ones. We explore the collective challenges we are deepening into and support each other through their transformation and restorying. We embark into comfort zone challenges and transformative practices that help us to create real change in our lives.

Once every quarter, each traveller is individually mentored and coached through a private 1:1 coaching session with Genevieve and an ongoing private Telegram group facilitated by Lorna.


We walk together through the dance of life, holding each other accountable for our unique soul adventure.



Event Timeslots (13)

Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

DREAMING MOON CIRCLE | 19.03.21. Our quarter of Rejuvenation begins with the sacred celebration of the Spring Equinox. A day when the light and the dark come into balance and provide us with the opportunity to tap into harmony and revelation. We will dive into the monthly practice of movement as transformation, meditations to meet our archetypal mentors and explore some of the symbolic archetypes for this month of the year. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

GREEN MOON CIRCLE | 16.04.21. This month we will be connecting to the ‘quickening’ energy of the Earth as she starts to burst forth with new life inside and out. We will connect with the transformative monthly practice of soul gardening and begin to explore our inner longing for spirit at a deeper level through the archetypes for April. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

21 MAY
PHOENIX MOON CIRCLE | 21.05.21. We begin this month’s circle with a celebration of the ancient festival of Beltane. Using the world as a mirror for the beloved, we will look at the monthly practice of chi flow and life force as a way to bring us out of our narrative comfort zones and into our hearts. The archetypes for May will provide the tempo to our emerging sense of self as we immerse our souls in the blossoming energy of Gaia. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

SOARING EAGLE MOON CIRCLE | 18.06.21. Our quarter of Restorying begins with the celebration of the Summer Solstice, the peak of light and the return of the fertile darkness. This month we will explore the mysteries of the light / dark through our monthly practice of vision questing and enter into the harmony time, co-creating a new container for transformation in our communities. We will journey to meet our new archetypal mentor for the quarter and see how we will be restorying our vision with their assistance. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

JOYFUL MOON CIRCLE | 30.07.21. During the joyful moon, we unleash the powerful of our imagination and journey together into the unseen realms of our unconscious visions. We will spend time on the land, listening to the nature beings to be found there and remember how to dialogue with mentors and friends from many different worlds. The archetypes will walk with us as we explore how we are a part of nature and nature is a part of us. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

GOLDEN MOON CIRCLE | 20.08.21. As we begin to come to the golden closing acts of the summer, we will start to look at the ancient powerful practices of human and Gaian alchemy. We will deep dive into storyhacking through an exploration of our monthly practice of narrative lens creation and use the archetypes for this time to assist us on our inner and outer journey towards soulistic transformation. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

HARVEST MOON CIRCLE | 17.09.21. With the harvest moon, we begin the quarter of Reunion and thus start to explore everything that gets in the way of our union within and without. We will explore ancient practices around water, the element of the West and use sacred sound to deepen into our soul journey. We will travel to meet our archetypal mentor for the quarter and surrender to the path less known. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

15 OCT
FIRE MOON CIRCLE | 15.10.21. In the time of darkness, we will gather around the central fire to transform and transmute death itself. We will explore the nature of underworld journeys of the soul from ancient traditions as well as resurrect those practices that resonate with us at this stage of our journey together. We will deepen into the archetypes and allow them to lead us to the shadow parts of ourselves that we have been avoiding in order to release and renew. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

19 NOV
WEAVERS MOON CIRCLE | 19.11.21. As we come to the crystal clear nights full of stars, we gather to weave our wisdom into blankets of light. During Nov, we deepen into co-creation and reunion to feel our interconnected journeys and explore our emerging soul self through the monthly practice of honouring the darkness. Our archetypes guide us into new patterns of reality and time as we quiet and listen. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

FULL CIRCLE MOON CIRCLE | 17.12.21. Entering into the quarter of Remembering, we celebrate with the Winter Solstice and the return of the light. Just as we shine our attention into the stories, ancestral patterns and symbolic events that have shaped us, we deepen together through the monthly practice of hibernation. We journey to meet our archetypal mentor and gather around the fires of our hearts to share our deepening soul stories. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

WHITE OWL MOON CIRCLE | 21.01.22. The nights are long and the dream world calls to us. We come together in circle to hold a sacred vessel for dream walking and dream weaving to occur. Through the monthly practice if gratitude, we will open the doors to the collective story of humanity and seek the wisdom of memory through reconnection to our ancestors. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

WINDS OF CHANGE MOON CIRCLE | 18.02.22. Much of the Earth is still sleeping under the blankets of Winter and we take advantage of this quietude to deepen our listening and sharpen our senses. Through the monthly practice of movement, we explore what it means to be embodied as a sacred human and we move with the winds of change that are sweeping into our worlds. We explore forgiveness through the art of breath and welcome in the freedom that comes when we let go of all that is ready to pass. JOIN THIS CIRCLE
Genevieve Boast Genevieve Boast

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