Ever heard the phrase “shit happens”?


Yes me too – this week has been one where ‘shit’ has happened unexpectedly (at least to my brain) multiple times.


Now I could have chosen to judge the ‘shit’ as wrong, bad, unfair, unjust but instead it stunned me into an inner silence that I wasn’t expecting.


And therein lies the gift of the mystery…..



I have learned over the years to pay deep attention to the times when I am triggered into silence. These are the moments of alchemical choice that open up completely new realities if we can trust them.


Instead of trying to control, justify my personal values & story or manipulate the situation into a place where I felt I could control it again, I chose something far more radical.


I let go.




Because deep down my intuition is telling me that there is a far bigger story unfolding here than I can currently see.


Because I deeply trust the Universal order of things in this world and it has never let me down.


And because there is something in my bones telling me that my story is about to get a whole lot bigger and expand into new territory.


Trust is a currency.


It’s hard to earn and so easy to lose.


Earning the trust of others, the world and most importantly ourselves, takes time, dedication, integrity and humility.


It takes repeated failures to hone our ability to move through uncertainty with confidence.


It takes real presence and self-awareness to recognise our control drama’s and smile ourselves into letting them go.


Trusting the mystery of life, allows us to follow the hidden path of adventure into the weft and weave of our life story. We have no idea where we are going, but we trust anyway. Knowing that there are no right’s / wrong’s / good’s / bad’s in the grand scheme of life.


Only experiences.


And choices.


And consequences.


The mystery loves a curious, humble, attentive adventurer.

It hides from fear.


Mystery presents itself in every moment to us as choice.


Will you choose to trust the mystery of everything that happens?


I do.

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