A few months ago, I stopped writing.
Just stopped.
I hadn’t planned it.
I had no excuses.
The Universe didn’t give me any answers as to why.
A few months ago, I stopped writing.
Just stopped.
I hadn’t planned it.
I had no excuses.
The Universe didn’t give me any answers as to why.
The ‘opening of the mouth’ ceremony is an ancient Egyptian death rite.
At least, that’s the accepted story.
It is of course far more nuanced and complex than this.
The times we are all living in require radical courage.
Coupled with humble discernment.
In a world where ‘truth’ has become subjective and story distorted on every level, we are asked to disconnect from all sources that would confuse and distract us from what is important.
What are you currently held back by?
I can guarantee it’s a story of your own making.
But when did you make it a reality lens for you?
In the past?
Forgiveness comes in the moments that really matter
Like those of life or death
It comes when we are asked to be bigger, wider, expansive
More than we have ever been before
Forgiveness opens doors
Doors that we have tried to close and lock
Forgiveness breathes us
Into places we have tried to forget
Forgiveness is a mirror
Into the parts of our soul that we have rejected
We forgive to create freedom
We forgive to liberate
We forgive to love
For a long time I have been using a powerful storyhack exercise known as a ‘Narrative Lens’. It is one of the fastest ways I know to immediately change the story that you find yourself living in by bringing your attention to the characters, environments and choices that create your life story.
Want to try it with me?
It’s fast. It’s powerful, and it transforms.